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held north of the Level, in Blaker's and Tilly's Fields, on the Lewes Road; and finally the remnant of this ancient custom ekes out its miserable existence in a field near the Queen's Park. It is evident that this, like other kindred institutions, has outlived its original uses.
At the south-western portion of Belle Vue Field, before spoken of, stood Streeter's Mill, which was removed by 86 oxen to the top of Preston Drove, on the Dyke Boad, on Sept. 20, 1792. Under the Cliff at the southeast corner of Belle Vue Field was a contrivance, protected by walls east and west, called by the inhabitants at that time " Smith's Folly," the real object of which was to draw up, in stress of weather, into a place of shelter and security, fishing boats and smacks ; but not answering the intended purpose it was pulled down. Becently, on excavating for the erection of the Sailing Club Boom, the foundation of the old walls were found. The original intention was to have called Regency Square Waterloo Square, but it was abandoned for the present name,
In 1807, the principal flock masters of Brighton and neighbourhood sought to establish upon the Level an annual sheep and lamb fair, to take place upon the 4th of September,—they entering into a guarantee to contribute to the fair none but the purest Southdown breed. Near 20,000 animals were penned on the first occasion, and met with a ready sale, buyers being plentiful. The following year the fair was equally well attended, but, notwithstanding the exertions of its most strenuous promoters, the fair lapsed after seven years' existence.
In 1832 another ineffectual attempt was made to establish a Cattle Market,—a portion of the Workhouse property abutting on to the Dyke Boad, and near to the Old Manor Pound, being selected for the purpose: but the market existed only for a few years,—and the natural deduction formed as to the cause of these failures was the absence of pasturage and grazing land in the neighbourhood, |