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—so extremely essential to all Stock Markets,—and to this want can be traced the abortive efforts to establish two valuable local institutions.
At various periods the Level has been the scene for celebration of festivals and important national events by the inhabitants,—and many of these rejoicings in modern times are in the recollection of persons living in Brighton. On the coronation of George IV.—July 19th, 1821, two bullocks were roasted and distributed,—also an abundant supply of bread and beer, by the Committee formed for the purpose of managing the celebration of this auspicious event. The inhabitants turned out en masse to witness the festivities, all shops were closed and business of every description suspended in the desire to manifest the loyalty and devotedness of the inhabitants to their royal patron; and so intent were they upon the Level rejoicings, that barely a person could be met in the streets. This opportunity was seized on by a party of smugglers, who, at mid-day, landed a cargo of contraband goods at the bottom of Black Lion Street, in the very centre of the town, their only opponent a solitary coast-guardsman, who was impotent to stay their escape, hence they got off successfully with their booty.
On this day of rejoicing Osborne's Lewes coach, which usually ran, from the Blue Coach Office, Castle Square, to and from that ancient town but once per day, did a double journey.
The Level was again the scene of revelry on her present Majesty's Coronation Day, June 28th, 1838. The carcases of an ox and some sheep were roasted; thousands of children dined on the Steyne in honor of the event, and much merriment prevailed.
Later, June 4th, 185G, we had the memorable "Peace Celebration,"—during the Mayoralty of the late Mr Alderman Hallett. Brighton was gay with bunting,— house fronts were decorated, and illuminations at night |