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Egremont's Snowdon, and a gold cup given by the Prince Regent, added to a sweepstakes of ten guineas each, won by Mr Turner's Anglesea, and a plate of one hundred guineas won by Mr Turner's Ehoda. The sports of this day and Monday are expected to be equally good. The course is in excellent order and the weather could not be more favorable. A new judge's stand has been erected and is admirably adapted for the purpose. Mr Paul Hewitt, wine merchant, of German Place, who, as Chairman of the Committee of Subscribers to the racing fund, has shewn an ardent zeal and devoted a great deal of his time in promoting the success of the races, officiated as judge in the most impartial and satisfactory manner. It is with pleasure we here observe that the Duke of York warmly interested himself in the cause, and on Thursday last called at Mr Hewitt's house* to ascertain how the entries were getting on. The town generally will, we are sure, applaud the style in which the measures for securing this desideratum to the town have been carried out, the success has been complete, and we sincerely hope that what has been so well begun will be kept up by a corresponding spirit, for we are sure that annual races will prove of the highest advantage to the town. The Pace Ball, under the patronage of the Stewards of the Paces, viz., the Earl of Egremont and J. Douglas, Esq., M.P., will take place on Monday next, August 2nd, at the Old Ship Hotel, under the superintendence of W. S. Forth, Esq., M.C." The same journal, in its first publication after the races, mentions :—" It is with much pleasure we state that measures have already been adopted which will cause more eclat to the races next year. The Pavilion Stakes are revised and to which there are several subscribers; and to the Regent's gold cup are eight subscribers ; and no less
* This house was the first erected eastward of the Steync,—nothing intervening between it anil Donaldson's Library. It is now in the occu­pation of Mr Casher.
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