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pack of Harriers, belonging to Jno. Brooker \'allance, Esq., called the "Hove Harriers," and the Huntsman's name Seal. After some little time, however, it became amalgamated with the Brighton pack, the hounds being generously given by that gentleman to further its prosperity. Also another pack in the neighbourhood called the Brookside Harriers, — the kennels of which are at Iford, — confining their sphere of action to the South Downs in the immediate vicinity of the west side of Lewes river. They afford excellent sport, are exceedingly well-managed, and have been for a considerable time under the joint superintendence of Messrs. Beard, Saxby, &c. This hunt, like that of the Brighton, afford the means of enjoyment for a large number of our visitors and residents, and the town is under a deep obligation to those gentlemen who so kindly grant the use of their respective lands for the purpose, adding thereby to its prosperity. The inhabitants should, therefore, requite such kindness by liberally subscribing to the funds raised for their support.
There is, also, a pack of Foxhounds, the kennels being situate at Eingmer,—a most delightful and pleasant village, about twelve miles from Brighton and four eastward of Lewes ; it has a large share of fashionable patrons from Brighton, during the season, at its respective "meets," which take place in this neighbourhood once in each week, and it not unfrequently happens that from 400 to 500 equestrians, of both sexes, assemble to witness the same. We have been assured by the hospitable land-holder, Thomas Pearson, Esq., of Erringham, near Shoreham (one of the favourite " meets" of this popular pack of hounds), that the attendance of equestrians and pedestrians has in instances reached double and treble the above numbers, an irrefutable proof of the high estimation in which it is held. Another favourite meet takes place at Poynings Cross Ways, and we find that in 1812 there was a pack of hounds |