History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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journey from Brighton to London, returning the same day, belonged to Mr J. Whitchurch, and ran from the office corner of Prince's Place, North Street, adjoining the Chapel Royal, and afterwards a very few of the coaches occupied more than five or six hours on their journey,— and on important occasions, such as the delivery of the Queen's speech on commencement of the Session, or the prorogation of Parliament, the information has been brought down in less than four hours and a half.
The road waggons of the past and present centuries belonged respectively to Messrs. Davis, E. Mighell, Bradford, Orton, Hope, Patching, Weller, Gander, Durtnall, &c. There were also three four-horse vans leaving this town every evening, at five o'clock, for the conveyance of goods, parcels, &c, called the "Blue" (belonging to Messrs. Crossweller, Blaber, & Chalk), the "Red" (belonging to Messrs. Pocock and Winch), the "Red Rover" (from the Clarence Hotel, belonging to Messrs. Wilde, Holmes and Co.),—all these latter succumbing to the modern leviathan, "the railway," and the well-appointed stage coaches gradually shared the same fate after its introduction. The railway was commenced March 19th, 1838, and, on the 9th of July, 1841, opened to Hayward's Heath : on the 21st September following it was opened from Brighton to London.
The route from London to Paris, via Brighton and Dieppe, was performed by sailing vessels, and it will be found there were nine so occupied in the year 1817, viz :
The Nancy ......... Capt. Blaber.
The Unity ......... " Clear.
Ann and Elizabeth ... " Daniels.
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