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acomodate him, but I fear he will be forced to tary at Lewis longer than his apointed time of departure before a 100 horse can be there upon such a sodain provided for him. I have therefore sent away now presently my messenger wth on letter to Sir Walter Covert, who is the next deputy lieftenant dwelling nere Lewis, to assemble as many of the Gentlemen as he can & to repair unto him & do him all the honor he can by attending upon him and seeing him furnished wth all his desieres as much as he can performe for him. And I have sent one other letter to Grinsted Town in Sussex wch is 14 miles from Lewis & is the next Town in which he must either renew his horses or lodge all night—written to the Constables there, (for there is no justice nere by 7 miles) to se him and his trains furnished wth horses and all things he shall desier fit for him. This is all that can be doon by me upon this sodain. What farder is to be doon by any to mete him from thens or in Surrey, where my lord admirall comandes onlie, you ar to consider. His way from Lewis to London is thus :
Sussex. From Lewis to Est Grinsted, a very good towne, able to receive him ... 14 miles.
Surrey. From Est Grinsted to God-stone, therein are only two innes and not above 5 or 6 houses besides ... 7 miles.
Surrey. From Godstone to Croydon.. 7 miles.
Surrey. From Croidon to London ... 7 miles.* " In hast, this 18 of April, 1600. " Your very loving frend
" t: buchuest.
" To the right honourable Mr Secretary Cecil be thease geven."
Here let us express a hope, as the blessings of peace |
* Sussex miles were of old proverbially " long and narrow," and tha Lord-Treasurer's estimate of the distance between Lewes and London would be confirmatory of that notion. The real distance is fifty miles, not thirty-five.—31. A. Lower's Sussex Worthies. |
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