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here, and daily perambulate the Steyne, which is constantly thronged with beauty and fashion.
A very grand review took place yesterday, about two miles from hence, on the Shoreham Road, of all the regiments quartered in the neighbourhood. Upwards of 4,000 troops were supposed to be present; and, from its being generally understood that it would probably be the last for the season, an immense concourse of visitors attended to witness the exhibition.
The Green Man, who has entertained us so long with innocent absurdities, has effectually confirmed what before, from the singularity of his costume, and the incoherence of his conversation, could be scarcely doubted. It seems this harmless, though unfortunate maniac, for so he really proves to be, leaped yesterday out of a window, and soon afterwards over the cliff. The rumour is that, in a fit of phrenzy, he fancied there was a serious riot, and that his immediate presence was essentially necessary to quell the disturbance; acting under the influence of such worthy motives, his derangement, and the consequences are the more to be deplored. He is reported to have sustained some severe contusions, but his life is not considered in danger. It is said that the person in whose house he resides has laid an embargo on his papers, and has gone up to London for the laudable purpose of concerting measures with his friends to insure his future safety.
Brighton, Oct. 26, 1806.
All this day the town has been one continued scene of bustle—the promenades have been crowded with elegance and fashion, and the rides have exhibited a greater number of carriages than we ever before witnessed, among which were several very splended equipages; the cause of all this interesting and agreeable stir was the happy event of the |