History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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during the day, and we doubt not but it will so continue
for some time, as it surpassed everything of the kind ever
witnessed in this part of the kingdom. The following are
a few additional particulars :—By eleven o'clock nearly the
whole of the company, consisting of between 300 and 400
of the most distinguished fashionables, had assembled, at
which hour dancing commenced, to the favourite tune
" Mrs M'Cloud of Muir," led off by the Earl of Delawaro
and Miss Webster, sister to Sir Godfrey Webster, M.P. for
this county, and followed by Baron de Montalembert and
Miss Johnson, and upwards of 120 couple, forming two
sets ; the succeeding dance was the " Prince Regent," led
off by the same party. At one o'clock waltzing commenced,
led off by Baron de Montalembert and Miss Johnson,
followed by the Earl of Delaware and Miss Webster, which
was kept up with great spirit till half-past two, at which
time the supper-rooms were thrown open. It would be
utterly impossible to do adequate justice to the taste and
magnificence here displayed. This department was under
the superintendence of Mr Ward, of Bond Street, who
displayed his well-known talents to the best advantage;
the decorations of the table, in particular the sand work,
were universally admired, nor was there anything deficient
that could delight the eye, or please the palate. Upon the
removal of the cloth, the health of the Earl of Delaware,
with prosperity and long life, was drunk "with three times
three. His Lordship, in a very animated and eloquent
speech, returned thanks. The following toasts were then
drunk with the utmost enthusiasm :—
" The Prince Regent "—" The Marquis of Wellington "—"Prosperity to the House of Delaware"—" The Duke of York and the Army," &c, &c.
The excellent band of the 18th Hussars played several delightful airs during supper.
At the upper end of the room, at which his Lordship presided, was a brilliant transparency of Fame and Cupid, surmounted by a coronet in variegated lamps ; to the right
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