History Of Brighton And Environs - Online Book

From The Earliest Known Period To The Present Time.

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each regiment. The columns now advanced, and then formed lino in a spacious valley, where platoon firing commenced from right to left. The Dragoons and Light Infantry were still skirmishing in front, and keeping up an independent fire at extended distances. A variety of manoeuvres were now performed, and several new alignments taken up, by the echelon march of companies, as advantageous positions presented themselves. The army still continued, at intervals, to push forward, sometimes in line and sometimes in column, occasionally firing by companies and grand divisions. Having, at length, approached the village invested by the enemy, it again made a stand, and formed in the rear of a quarry, which effectually protected it from a furious charge of heavy Cavalry, who were suddenly obliged to halt on the brink of it, and were exposed to a galling fire from the whole of our line. Some retrograde movements were next deemed expedient, and the line began to retire by alternate battalions, covered in its retreat by our Artillery, Dragoons, and Light Infantry. After numerous other judicious operations, as circumstances occurred, and difficulties rendered necessary, the line formed again, fired a volley, and made a rapid charge under the cover of its own smoke. To attempt anything like a detailed description of the different movements and evolutions which were practised on this occasion would require the talents of an able tactician, With truth, we may say that the General in command appeared to display a profound military judgment, with an accurate knowledge of the country. After the charge of the bayonet, which has, at all times, proved as glorious as successful to the British arms when on actual service, the line wheeled back into open columns of companies, and passed the General in quick time, who was again pleased to dispense with the accustomed formalities of a salute. When over, the different regiments filed off to their respective quarters
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