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the Earl of Aborgavenny, on Easter Tuesday, in the year 1855, and ho still holds tho office of High Constable of the Hundred of Whalesbone; his duties however are but trifling, merely consisting of taking charge of the Parish Jury List and presenting it to the Clerk of the Peace for the County. He also retains his "staff of office," which he intends presenting to the Town Museum.
The parish books give the names of those who served the above office from Henry Gunn, in 1589, to the last appointment above-mentioned in 1855, a period of nearly 300 years, and the only record to be found relating to any sum being allowed for expenses is the following resolution, passed at a Vestry Meeting, at the Town Hall, April 4th, 1793, when it was ordered " That in future the Constable (High) be allowed twelve guineas, to be paid in full, for all expenses during his office, including four guineas for a dinner."
In 1773 an Act of Parliament was obtained empowering tho appointment, in addition to these High Constables and Headboroughs, of G4 persons as Commissioners, who held office during their life-time, and on the decease of a member of tho body a meeting of the inhabitants was convened, and his successor appointed thereat by vote. Upon these Commissioners devolved the securing of better government of the town, their power extending to lighting and cleansing the streets, lanes and other places within the parish; also the removal and prevention of nuisances, arranging for tho holding and regulation of the Market," then open daily; the govern- |
* In the early pages of this work it is mentioned that Brighton possessed a Charter from Edward II. for the holding a weekly market on Thursday. The site of this market place was on the Cliff, commencing at the Town House and fortress (situated about the western corner of the Junction lload, the site of the Queen's Hotel); and on this spot it remained from 1373 until 1703, when the Cliff whereon it stood was sapped by the waves, and the building destroyed and demolished. In the year 1734, the Market was established, as at picsent, in the Bartholomews,—which at that period, by purchase, became the property of the town. |