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ment of public groynes, their building and repair,—an important duty at this period,—in order that the coast might be safe and commodious for vessels to approach and unload coals for the consumption of the inhabitants. That the said Commissioners might effect all the abovo public and desirable ends, they were empowered by the before-mentioned Act to levy a duty of sixpence on every chaldron of coals or culm so landed.
With reference to the cost of the erection of groynes, it is stated that so incapable were the inhabitants,—owing to their poverty,—of the means to make groynes for the preservation of their property, that in 1722, by virtue of letters patent under the Great Seal, there was raised by charitable contributions for the then deplorable sufferers (the inhabitants of the town) money for building groynes, bulwarks and fortifications against the inroads of the sea, in order to preserve such part of the said town then remaining. In 1757 other letters patent,—or a brief,—for alms to be collected from house to house, was obtained for the support of groynes. This brief is still in existence, and after stating that the collection under the former one had been appropriated and applied to the safety and preservation of the place, proceeds thus:—"And the said money being now expended, the groynes and defence that have been made are decayed and worn out, and in all probability, should the next winter prove stormy, great part of the said town will be destroyed if not timely prevented : that the petitioners are not able to support and relieve themselves in this important and weighty affair, being burdened with numerous poor, their rates for the relief of the poor amounting to near six shillings in the £ rack or full rent. That the said petitioners, by reason of these calamities, are now become real objects of compassion,—that the money immediately wanted to erect new groynes, supporting such as remain, and the other necessary fortifications, on a moderate calculation will |