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others cut away. The others cut the walls, These are men exercised rauoh better than the men we find here in the country, wherefore we must have men, and other things also that we need of, the which I shall, in a few days, shew your Lordship by mouth. They began to cast the lead, and it shall be done with as much diligence and saving as it may be. So as our trust is, that your Lordship will be much satisfied with what we do, when I most heartily commend myself, much desiring God to maintain your health and your heart's ease.
'' Your Lordship's Servant,
"John Portmarus."
"Underneath your Lordship shall see a just measure of the wide Abbey ;—
" Length of the Church 150 feet; height 68 ; the circumference 1558 feet; the wall of the front ten feet; thickness of the steeple wall ten feet; thickness of the walls in torno four feet.
" There be in the church 32 pillors standing equally from the walls ; a high roof made for the bells; eight pillors* very high, 13 feet thick ; and 45 feet about. The height of the greatest sort is 42 feet, other 28 feet.
" The height of the roof before the great altar is 93 feet; in the middle of the church where the bells did hang, 105 feet; the height of the steeple in front is 90 feet."
Thus, after this structure had stood 460 years, its sacred walls now echoed to the strokes of the hammer, instead of the chanting of hymns ; and a few crumbling ruins are all that the curious traveller can now discover of that once celebrated scene of monkish splendour and piety. The ashes of its noble founders and benefactors were insulted and scattered ; its fairest monuments wantonly destroyed ; |