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windows on each side; the second two pointed of the same mouldings, probably built at the same time, surmounted by a block cornice and parapet. On the north and south sides are two handsome flying buttresses, terminated by pinnacles. A great portion of the Saxon work remains ; but the north side appears to be less altered. The eastern end is particularly elegant, having three beautifully pointed windows, supported by handsome clustered columns, over three recessed Saxon arches. Under the pediment is a circular window, now blocked up. A small fragment of the western extremity of the nave, surrounded by shrubs, still remains, also the foundations of the intervening walls.
The Choir is a noble specimen of the mixed style of building that prevailed before the dissolution of the Saxon and the introduction of the pointed arch. The capitals which support the arches are various and very artistic. The font is on the north side, near the entrance, of a square form, supported by a stout centre column and four smaller ones at the angles. The upper half of the south transept is separated from the lower, and forms a commodious schoolroom. The whole edifice is extremely beautiful, but the ornaments not destroyed by white-wash are filled with dirt.
On the south and north sides of this Church are private doors, of a very diminutive size, which communicate with the pulpit and the reading-desk.
This edifice was formerly Collegiate, but is now a vicarage, in the patronage of Magdalene College, Cambridge. Recently an attempt was made to raise funds in support of the restoration of this splendid old Church, and many, both wealthy and others, came forward to help the praiseworthy motive : but we regret to write that, from the indifference and parsimony of some residents who possess the power to assist and should have been foremost in the good work, this effort to restore GodV House became fruitless. We know that the hope of its restoration is |