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and as the proceedings were of such an interesting character, we give them in detail:—
" One candidate in the Ministerial interest, Lord Mount-morris, was removed after the same method as Mr. Curtis had been at the previous election, and Sir John Henderson substituted in his stead. On the day of election, however, there were only six candidates. The Right Hon. Henry Flood and Sir Lawrence Parsons, supported on the interest of the non-rated inhabitants ; Sir Godfrey Webster, the father of the Battle Abbey Baronet, on the Pelham interest, united with Mr Alves; and Sir Peter Parker and Sir John Henderson under the Treasury influence. The numbers tendered were, for the Right Hon. Henry Flood, 28, Sir Lawrence Parsons, 24, Sir G. Webster, 19, Thomas Alves, 18, Sir P. Parker, 16, Sir J. Henderson, 14. But the Bailiff" again refused the votes of all the non-rated inhabitants, and returned the Treasury Candidates. Four petitions were presented against this return, on the hearing of which it appeared that the correct numbers of Sir G. Webster, Mr. Alves, Sir P. Parker, and Sir J. Henderson were exactly equal, and this second election was therefore declared void.
" Mr. Alves, by this time, had seen quite enough of the immaculate borough of Seaford, and not being willing to incur any further expense, he retired. Mr. Flood's party had an opportunity of again appealing against the poor-rate, and were thus put in a situation to prove their rateability before a Committee of the House; and on a junction between the Pelham and the Flood interests being effected, on the day of election the numbers appeared to be—for the Right Hon. H. Flood, 32, Sir G. Webster, Bart,, 32, Sir P. Parker, Bart, 16, Sir J. Henderson, Bart., 16; but notwithstanding this majority, the Bailiff again rejected every person whose name did not appear on the rate manufactured by his own party, and returned the |