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In the year 1086 a survey was completed of that portion of Great Britain ruled by William the Conqueror. Appended is a translation of the local part of that very famous manuscript volume, written at Winchester from notes made by special officers sent to every part of the realm. Obsolete names and words are explained in parentheses, the renderings being mainly those suggested in the issue of Domesday Book published by the Sussex Archaeological Society, or the Victoria History of Sussex :—
In Grenestede Hundred.
In Calvrestot (Shovelstrode Manor) the Earl (Earl Robert of Mortain, half-brother to William the Con­queror) has 1 hide (probably meaning as much land as one plough could cultivate), which lay in the rape of Lewes. It is now outside the rape. It does not pay geld (land tax called "Dane-geld"). Alnod held it of King Edward (Edward the Confessor). There is land for 2 ploughs. There they are with one villein (persons in absolute servitude with their children and effects) and 3 bordars (cottagers). From the herbage 3 hogs. From the wood 5. (Rents were then often paid in swine.) In the time of King Edward and now worth 20 shillings.
In Celrestvis (? Shovelstrode Manor) Ansfrid holds one virgate of the Earl outside the rape. It has never paid geld, ^lmar held it of King Edward. There is land for 1 plough. There it is with one villein. From the wood and herbage 2 hogs. In the time of King Edward it was worth 5 shillings; now 7 shillings.
In Felsmere (Falmer or Felbridge) the Earl holds 1 hide and a half outside the rape. It has not paid geld. Villeins held it, and it is rated in the manor.
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