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40                         HISTORY OF EAST GRINSTEAD.
was a packed one. It was prorogued in 1685 and finally dissolved in 1687. The King, in the meanwhile, tried to get together a Parliament of Catholics and Noncon­formists, but he failed, and for the remainder of his reign there was no Parliament in England. When the Prince of Orange came over, the Convention which had invited William and Mary to occupy the throne changed itself into a Parliament without an election. It was first sum­moned to meet on January 22nd, 1688-9, at 9 a.m., and as soon as the Members had gathered the Earl of Wilt­shire rose and said, " There is an honourable person in my eye whom I conceive very well experienced in methods of Parliament and in every way qualified for the Speaker's place." He thereupon proposed the former Member for East Grinstead and the proposition was unanimously agreed to. Mr. Powle begged the House to choose some more worthy person, but his excuse was not allowed and he continued as Speaker until a new Parliament met on March 20th, 1689-90, when he was succeeded by Sir John Trevor.
There were apparently at this time about 33 burgage holders and their names are set forth in the following copy of a parchment document still in existence :—
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