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EAST GRINSTEAD AND ITS MANORS.                 115
Lavertye or Lavortye seems to have been a sub-feudation of the Manor of Brambletye, and the two have not always been held by the same person. In 1691 John Newnham, the elder, gent., was seized of the Manor of Lavertye and 500 acres of land thereto belonging. In this family it seems to have remained until 1774. In 1793 an Act was passed for investing the fee simple of part of the Manor and estates of Lavertye in East Grinstead, in John Trayton Fuller, of Ashdown House, who was succeeded by his son, Augustus Elliott Fuller, whose daughter Clara married Sir George Tapps, Bart., who afterwards assumed the name of Tapps Gervis. His daughter Clara (Miss Tapps Gervis) is the present life tenant of the Ashdown House Estate and the Manor of Lavortye.
This is a very widespread Manor, over which Lord Sackville now exercises rights. In the early days it was in the possession of the Priory of St. Pancras at Lewes, and possibly included a gift of 100 solidates or one hide of land made by Alured de Bendeville and Sibilla his wife to the monks of Lewes and confirmed by King Stephen.
In 1288 Roger de Sautknappe gave up to the Monks of Lewes all the rights which he had in a certain land called Hengteswynde, in the Manor of Hymberhorne. There is an extremely interesting deed preserved of about the year 1336 which, reduced to modern language, shows that Peter de Joceux, then Prior of Lewes, granted to Walter le Fyke and his heirs for ever a field called Feldlonde, which abutted on the road leading from East Grinstead to Imberhorne, on payment of a yearly rent of 4s. and the customary heriots, the new owner to make " suit at our Court of Imberhorne for the said tenement from three weeks to three weeks for ever." He was never to part with it except to the Priory of St. Pancras so long as they were minded to give for it as much as would be offered in good faith by a stranger.
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