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The following particulars of the charities of East Grinstead have been gathered from the manuscript and printed records in the Charity Commissioners' office and from other sources :—
There are eight very small old cottages, situate well back from the London Road, opposite the White Lion Hotel, which have always been known as "The Alms­houses." It is supposed that they were left to the town by Richard Lewkenor, of Brambletye, or his wife, Lady Katherine. The only direct evidence that they so left such a property is furnished by an inscription on a brass now fixed to the east wall of East Grinstead Church. This has often been quoted in whole or in part, but rarely correctly given. It reads:—
Here under this marbille stone lyeth Dame Kateryne Gre}r, daughter of Thomas, some tyme Lorde S (*) lis, wyff to Sir Thomas Grey, Knyght and banneret, and after wyff unto the Honorable Esquyer Eichard Lewkener the elder of Brambilletey and oon of the ladys to Quene Elizabeth, wyff of blessed memory Edward iiijthe and after-warde to Quene Elizabeth, wyff unto owre Soffereyne Lorde Kyng Harry the vijtbe the wiche passed owte of this transsitory worlde the ixth day of June the yere of owre Lorde God m'cccccv. ; and the same Dame Kateryne and .Richard her husbonde have fownded, indued and inorned thys present Churche of Estgrenested to the lawde and honor of God in dyvers ornamentis and a almess howse of iij parsons on whose sowlis Ihu for thy bitter passion have on them thy mercyffulle compassyon. Amen.
This brass was rescued from the ruins of the church, inserted in a tablet of marble, and placed on the east wall by Thomas Wakeham, of the Hermitage, in 1798.
There is not the slightest record concerning the alms­houses to be found anywhere. In 1835 the Charity
* The brass is here pierced and a few letters (possibly " ca ") obliterated.
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