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THE PAROCHIAL CHARITIES.                         129
be taught " the English Language, Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, the Catechism of the Church of England and the Holy Scriptures." The Trustees and master had all tq be members of the Church of England, every child admitted had to produce a certificate of baptism, and each Sunday, Christmas Day and Good Friday the scholars had to attend, with their master, at the morning and afternoon services held in the Parish Church. Subject to the approval of the Trustees the master was allowed to take other than the free scholars. The final clause in the scheme was:—
That the children of persons, dissenters from the Established Church, shall be permitted to attend at the said school, and shall be capable of baing elected scholars of the said charity, such children in all respects observing the directions and regulations of the said Trustees of the charity.
The specific rules drafted by the Trustees under this scheme incorporated Psalmody among the subjects taught and increased the number of free children to 50, allowing others to come in on payment of one shilling a week each for one class of scholars and fourpence a week for another. The following rules proved particularly objectionable to many :—
Every child taught in the school is to be brought to the parish church by the master, whenever that church is opened for the celebra­tion of divine worship.
The school on Sunday is open at nine in the morning, and two in the afternoon, into which are received all children without any payment, who are unable to attend the school during the week.
The following rule, though quaint, is not of a very obnoxious character: —
The master is particularly enjoined, as well by precept as example, to see that all the children entrusted to his care, both in school and out of school, behave themselves lowly and reverently to all their betters.
While the school remained closed some evening classes were formed at Zion Chapel and over 40 children attended.
The Free Grammar School was re-opened on November 8th, 1847, when it found for a time a habitation at
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