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will, which was proved on May 1st following, he instructed
his executors—
To set aside the sum of Four thousand two hundred pounds and invest the same in Two pounds ten shillings per centum Bank Annuities and stand possessed of the same and use the income resulting therefrom for the purpose of endowing three Scholarships for two Boys and one Girl the Children of Tradesmen or of any person below the class of a Tradesman and whose parents or parent having the custody of such Children or Child shall have been resident in the Parish of East Grinstead for not less than five 3'ears, such Fund when set aside to be called "The John Southey Endowment Fund" and such Scholarships to be called " The John Southey Scholarships," and I direct that my Trustees or such persons as they shall think fit to appoint to administer this Trust and their successors for the time being shall fix the time for which any Scholarship shall be held by any one Boy or Girl and be the sole judges as to whether any and what Boy or Girl shall be entitled to compete for and hold any Scholarship and to make such arrangements for the examination of the Candidates for such Scholarships as they shall think advisable.
The two Trustees appointed were Mr. Bromley Hall, of Ivy Mill, Godstone, and Mr. Evelyn A. Head, of East Grinstead. On June 8th, 1901, they applied to the Charity Commissioners for sanction to a scheme for administering the Trust and this sanction was given on August 28th of the same year. This sets forth that the Trustees of the Charity shall consist of the Governors, for the time being, of the Payne Endowment and two co-optative Trustees — Messrs. Hall and Head — who are to hold office for life. On the death of either of these the remaining Trustees can appoint any person residing or carrying on business in or near East Grinstead to act for a period of five years.
Mr. Southey's estate did not realise the amount he had anticipated, and instead of £4,200 being available for investment the total received by the Trustees was £1,725, now represented by £1,671. 7s. 6d. in 2J per cent, annuities, yielding £41. 15s. 8d. per annum. Mr. E. P. Whitley Hughes acts as Clerk to these Governors.
The benefits of this charity extended to East Grinstead. It was founded during his lifetime by Mr. James Evelyn, of Felbridge. He was born on July |