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142                    HISTORY OF EAST GRINSTEAD.
This Mr. Payne was John Payne, a burgess of the town at that time, who, in his will dated December 12th, 1579, gave to his cousin, Roger Hayte, his tenement and " Smythes fforge now in the occupacon of Joseph Duffield and John Larke scytuat in East Greensted." From the fact of its being styled "le fforge in Burge de Est Greensted" in an inquisition held in 1580 on the death of its owner, John Payne, it would seem to have been the only forge within the limits of the borough, which were by no means coterminous with the parish, as already explained.
The Lord of Buckkerst, 1 fordge, 1 furnace in Parrock, in the hands of George Bullen.
The Quene's Matie, 1 fordge, 1 furnace in Ashdowne, in the hands of Henry Bowyer.
Ashdown Forest was at this time held by the Crown, and the forge referred to was at Newbridge. Robert Whitfelde, 1 fordge in Eowfants.
This was an ancestor of the Whitfelds, the well-known Sussex bankers.
Henry Boyer, 1 fordge in Tynsley (Worth).
The following were ordered to appear before the Council:—
John Blacket, furnace at Hodley (West Hoathly). Robert Reynold, a forge at Brambletynne (Brambletye).
From the following bonds were taken, under a penalty of £2,000, not to found or sell ordnance without license from the Queen :—
Robert Reynolds, of East Grinstead. John Thorpe, of East Grinstead. John Duffold, of East Grinstead. Robert Whitfylde, of Worth. George Bulleyn, of Hartefeild.
In defiance of these pleasures, however, the surrep­titious exportation of Sussex cannon went on. In 1587, the Earl of Warwick, as Master of the Ordnance, despatched "a gentleman of his, one Mr. Blincoe," into Sussex, to summon all the gunfounders of the county up to London to understand his pleasure respecting their
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