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186                      HISTORY OF EAST GRINSTEAD.
1877, Sept. 24th. Mr. T. E. Burt, solicitor, died. He was the oldest professional. He was practising and living where he died when I came to East Grinstead in 1825.
1877, Dec. 13th. Fat Stock Show—a large display. I doubt the Tightness of making the poor creatures so helplessly fat. I think the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals should look into the matter.
1881, Oct. 14th. Heavy gale ; 12 large elms blown down in Chequer Mead and near there.
1881, Oct. 23rd. I resigned my offices as Treasurer and Superin­tendent of the Moat Sunday School. Nearly all the teachers resign also.
1884,  July 25th. Attended a Conservative meeting at the Crown Assembly lioom. I moved a vote of thanks to the Chairman and commended the plain and gentlemanly manner the speakers stated their views, although I was not able to endorse them.
1885,  May 5th. To the Exhibition. Just as we entered there was a little bustle, when lo ! the Queen, having hold of the Prince of Wales's arm, was just coming out. We were almost touching her. I had not seen her for 53 years. She was a little 12-year-old girl then, now a bulky, serious-looking old lady.
1891, Feb. 9th. A beershop closed at Crowborough Town by the East Grinstead Magisti'ates. Hoo-rah !!
1891, March 3rd. Not well enough to attend County Court. Only the second time absent during the 36 years I have been High Bailiff. Judge Martineau called on me and very kindly chatted for a while.
1891, April 17th. First visitor to-day, a retired brewer (Mr. Absalom); second, a fierce innkeeper and violent opponent of our temperance work (Mr. Tracy). Both staj-ed awhile and chatted very friendly.
1891, June 22nd. The 28th temperance excursion. I never missed one before.
With this very appropriate entry the diary closes. Two months later the good old gentleman passed away.
Although East Grinstead is located in one of the healthiest parts of this favoured county it cannot boast of a long list of centenarians to hold up as witnesses to its health giving properties. Many residents have closely approached five score years, but history records only one instance of an individual who passed that number. In an old Family Bible the following was the quaint record :—
Mary Taylor Wos Bornd December 5 5 minets Be for to in mornen 1796.
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