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head of the Societe Generale, but he was also a director of the General Credit and Finance Company of Lothbury, of the Union Discount Company and of the London Joint Stock Bank.
Honours had naturally been showered on him from all sides. In addition to his English knighthood he was a Chevalier of the Legion d'Honneur and Commander of the Orders of Pius IX., of Isabella of Spain and of the Crown of Italy, and also held the Grand Cross of Osmanli, Turkey.
In his younger days Sir Edward was a keen sportsman. He was a partner in Count Lagrange's racing stable, and as such had the honour of sharing in the carrying off of many of the chief prizes of the Turf, including the English Derby, which their horse, Gladiateur, won in 1865. One of his chief hobbies used to be coaching, and long after he was 80 he used to handle his four-in-hand along the tortuous roads and hills around East Grinstead with a skill which many a young whip might envy. He died at Imberhorne on March 15th, 1905, aged 96, and was succeeded in the ownership of the estate by his grandson, Mr. Edward C. Blount, J. P.
In the 14th Vol. of the Sussex Archaeological Society's Collections, in an article on Ashdown Forest, by the Rev. Edward Turner, appears mention of a John Payne, of Plawhatch, and the writer proceeds :—
The old Payne here alluded to was probably the Patriarch of the ancient family of Payne long resident at Legge's Heath, in East Grin-stead, and a Master of the Forest. A descendant of his was Sheriff of Sussex in 1738, of whom it is currently reported that during the year he served the office he never went to church, or in any way appeared in public, except in full dress, with a cocked hat on his head, and a sword by his side, and whenever he went to market or a meeting of any kind at East Grinstead, he had, in addition, his State saddle, saddle cloth and holster furnished with a pair of richly silver-chased pistols. When questioned on the subject, his reply was that in his opinion the dignity of the office required it. The last of the family of the direct line died in Maresfield at an advanced age and in very |