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The new ground was opened on May 26th, 1890, and for several years, under the management of Mr. R. P. Crawfurd (hon. secretary) and an able committee, cricket flourished exceedingly on the new ground and the matches were once more well attended by the town and prominent residents from round about. The wickets, provided by Alfred Payne, the groundman and an old county player, were in high favour far and wide, and were justly eulogised by such famous cricketers as Hay ward, Brockwell and Lockwood, of Surrey, Mr. F. B. Whitfeld, Mr. H. Whitfeld, W. Humphreys, Tate and Marlow, of Sussex, Mr. A. J. Web be, of Middlesex, Mr. F. Marchant and Mr. G. Weigall, of Kent, Mr. H. Leveson-Gower, of Oxford fame, Mr. W. L. Murdoch, the great Australian, and others too numerous to recall, who have played in modern times on the West Street ground and delighted spectators with their prowess.
On July 21st and 22nd, 1896, a bazaar, organised by the Hon. Secretary of the Club and opened on successive days by Lady Evelyn Goschen, wife of Mr. G. J. Goschen, Member for the East Grinstead Division, and Sir Edward Blount, of Imberhorne, was held on the ground and brilliantly patronised by the neighbourhood generally.
The bazaar yielded the handsome net profit of £465, and this sum was handed over to a body of seven trustees, who in November of the same year purchased the freehold of the field from Mrs. Henry Padwick, daughter of Mr. C. C. Tooke, for £1,000, the balance of the purchase money being raised by a mortgage on the premises for £600.
The trustees first appointed were Mr. Henry Blount, D.L., and Mr. Robert P. Crawfurd (then respectively president and hon. secretary of the club), Mr. C. H. Everard, M.A., Mr. F. Maplesden, Mr. J. Southey, Mr. P. E. Wallis, M.R.C.S., and Mr. T. S. Whitfeld, and in them and their successors is vested the freehold of a field, as conveniently placed as it is, in respect of its outlook over distant Ashdown Forest, delightfully situated. Soon after the purchase of the ground in
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