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the matter is discovered. The stubborn inhabitants are all more or less concerned in a little gun-running, and the church is being used as a warehouse and hiding place for Cabot's cannons until an opportunity to place them aboard Andrew Barton's ship occurs.
The mention of the ballad of Sir Andrew Barton in " Hal o' the Draft" brings us within hailing distance of a noble pirate and a noble singer. We recall how Lord Howard's marksmen brought down all those whom this bold pirate sent up the masttree " to let the beams fall," and at last Sir Andrew, encased in armour, climbed up himself, and Horsly, the " bowman rare " from Yorkshire, shot in vain :
'' Then Horsly spied a privie place, with a perfect eye in a secret part, His arrow swiftly flew apace,
and smote Sir Andrew to the heart. ' Fight on, fight on, my merry men all,
a little I am hurt yet not slaine, I'll but lie downe and bleed awhile and come and fight with you againe.
And do not,' saith he, ' feare English Rogues and of your Foes stand in no awe,
But stand fast by S. Andrewes crosse, until you heare my whistle blow.' |