KIPLING'S SUSSEX - online book

An illustrated descriptive guide, to the places mentioned in
the writings of Rudyard Kipling.

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Founded in the time of Henry VI., on the site probably of an earlier residence, by Sir Roger de Fienes, an Agincourt warrior, the Castle is now one of the most picturesque ruins in England, and is the more worthy of attention from its being one of the largest brick structures of the middle ages now remaining. Though decayed, it continued in something like its original state till near the close of the eighteenth century, but in 1777, after an examination by Wyatt, the architect, it was decided to dismantle it, so far as the roof and timber work were concerned. The Castle con­tained as many windows as there were days in the year, and as many chimneys as there were Sundays.
The moat formerly spread out into a large pond, but in the reign of Elizabeth it was drained and formed into a pleasaunce. The gateway is in the south tower, and here the pseudo-military character of the structure is strongly marked with its port grooves and cross-bow loop holes. In the 1 Handbook for Eastbourne" (1878), George Chambers gives a description as the castle appeared at that date :—
" From the turrets the sea is visible, but the staircases are now too dilapidated for them to be accessible, though the first 42 steps of the staircase in the Eastern
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