KIPLING'S SUSSEX - online book

An illustrated descriptive guide, to the places mentioned in
the writings of Rudyard Kipling.

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108                   KIPLING'S SUSSEX
peculiar to Bulverhythe. The more learned derivation of the name is from Bolver or Bulver, one of the war titles of Odin. The word was written formerly Bolewarheth, and has become altered to the present spelling. The sea has made terrible advances at this point, the encroachment being attributed to the fall of the cliffs at Beachy Head, as well as those which formerly projected into the sea at Bulverhythe and Galley Hill Points. Various relics of the stone work and tiles of the chapel built in the thirteenth century by the Earls of Eu were found when an excavation was made in 1862, and the ground plan was distinctly traced. In former days, there was a considerable haven for ships at Bulverhythe, and in 1676, a town meeting decreed that all " shallops and other outlandish vessels which put into Bulver­hythe haven," if they came on shore within the borough should pay i2d. to the pier-wardens.
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