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But his songs were the best. I am prepared to admit that. One was called " The True Mayde of the South." It was about a " Maide dwelling at Rie, in Sussex, who for the love of a young man went beyond the sea in the habit of a page."
The farmer brought down the old faded broadside with ragged margins for me to copy when I went back to the farm with him. It was dated 1630, and I might here, perhaps, be allowed to insert part of the old ballad, since it bears on Sussex :
" Within the haven towne of Rye, That stands in Sussex faire There dwelt a maid whose const ancie Transcendeth all compare.
This turtle-dove
Did dearly love A youth, who did appeare
In mind and face
To be the grace And pride of Lester-shire.
Within short time it came to pass To sea the young man went, And left this young and pretty lass In woe and discontent.
Who wept full sore,
And grieved therefore, When truly she did heare,
That her sweetheart
From her must part The pride of Lester-shire. |