KIPLING'S SUSSEX - online book

An illustrated descriptive guide, to the places mentioned in
the writings of Rudyard Kipling.

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154                   KIPLING'S SUSSEX
suffered this in silence, but things came to a crisis when the Jehu came into collision with his favourite tree, doing much damage to it. He wrote at once a vigorous letter of complaint to the 'bus owner, who was landlord of the " White Horse Inn."
Boniface laid the letter before the select com­pany of his bar parlour, who, one and all, advised calm indifference. Also a man with an eye to the main chance offered the landlord ten shillings in cash for the autograph letter. Both cash and advice were accepted. A second and stronger letter followed, and Boniface carried the autograph to a bookseller and demanded a pound for it, since the violence of the letter was quite double strength. The bookseller eagerly snapped it up, and the merry landlord warmed to the game, dreaming of more missives. But next day Kipling entered briskly and very wrathful.
" Why don't I answer your letter, sir ? Why I was hoping you'd send me a fresh one every day. They pay a deal better than 'bus driving."
Two roads, both hilly and dusty, connect Newhaven with the county town, Lewes; and the river Ouse takes a circuitous course between them. Along the western road a mile north of Newhaven we come to Piddinghoe.
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