KIPLING'S SUSSEX - online book

An illustrated descriptive guide, to the places mentioned in
the writings of Rudyard Kipling.

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168                 KIPLING'S SUSSEX
in Sussex like an adage or motto—" We do it that way for the good of the land." That has a fine sound—a respect for the " fellow-clay" that nourished them, and we can well imagine that this same spirit was shared by the other Springett when he carved and lettered the pulpit for St. Anne's Church in 1620.
St. Thomas-a-Becket, at Cliffe, principally of the Perpendicular period.
St. John-sub-Castro, a modern and not at all ornamental edifice, built about seventy-five years ago in place of a Saxon building. The arch of one doorway has been preserved, also a curious Latin inscription relating to one Magnus, who, according to tradition, was a son of King Harold by his second wife Githa, sister of the Danish King, Sweyn.
South Mailing, built about 1628, on the site of a Saxon building.
The coffins of William de Warrenne and his Countess were discovered in October 1845, during the works carried on for the construction of the London and Brighton Railway. A cutting forty feet wide and twelve feet deep was required, and this cutting was made across the site, as it proved, of part of the ancient Priory Church, and the adjoining chapter-house. Here, about two feet
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