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Saint Dunstan was a blacksmith who lived out Mayneld
way, He pulled the poor old Devil's nose, an' made un run
away; With his hot tongs he seized his nose; Nick flew to
Tunbridge Wells, An' cooled his nose in Tunbridge spring; that's why
that water—smells !
Chorus—Oh, Dunstan was a Sussex man, etc.
John Dudeney was a shepherd tending ship upon the
' Hill,' He also was a lamed man, wid books his mind he'd fill; To Lewes town he brought renown, as much as he was
able; It is the truth I'm telling, though my fax till now was
fable. Chorus—Oh, Dudeney was a Sussex man, etc.
Tom Paine, too, was a Sussex man, an' fur a sartin
season, He lived in Lewes, where he thought upon ' The Age o'
Reason'; Tom didn't like religion ; says he, ' I must think free, So as England doesn't want me, I'll sail acrost the sea.'
Chorus—Oh, Paine he was a Sussex man, etc.
Tom Tipper was a Sussex man; Newhaven give un
birth, Tom Tipper brewed the strongest beer e'en-a'most upon
this earth; I know 'tis true—I've drunk it, too—a quart is worth
a pound, |