Smuggling & Smugglers in Sussex - online book

An Account of a notorious Smuggling gang in the early 18th Century

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72                               SUSSEX SMUGGLERS.
and there he hung Chater in the well until he was dead, as they all imagined.
" They then loosened the cord from the rail of the pales, and let him fall to the bottom of this well, which was dry; and one of the accomplices imagined he heard Chater breathe, and that there were still some remains of life in him.
" To put an end to a life so miserable and wretched, they threw pales and stones upon him. This was the only act that had any appearance of mercy and com­passion ; and it brings to my remembrance the saying of the wisest of men, fully verified in this fatal instance of Chater's murder—' The mercies of the wicked are cruelties.'
"I am now come to the fourth and last period of time.
" And here it is observable, that although Providence had for many months permitted this murder to remain undiscovered, yet it was then disclosed and brought to light when the appointed time was come, and an opportunity given to apprehend and bring to justice many of the principal offenders.
" Upon the 17th of September last, search was made in pursuance of information given, for the body of Chater. And the body was found with a rope about its neck, covered with pales, stones and earth, in that well I have before mentioned, close by Lady Holt Park, in a wood called Harrass Wood belonging to Mr. Carryll.
" By the length of time, from February to September, the body was too much emaciated to be known with any certainty. But by his boots, clothes and belt, there also found, it evidently appeared to be the body of the unfortunate Chater.
" I have now opened to you the substance of all the most material facts : and should the proofs support the
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