Smuggling & Smugglers in Sussex - online book

An Account of a notorious Smuggling gang in the early 18th Century

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which they buried him was about three or four o'clock in the morning.
Being cross examined, and asked by Carter, whether he (Carter) struck Galley; answered that they all struck him.
Being asked at the request of the prisoners' Counsel, what was the consequence of that thrust which Little Harry gave Galley, when lie fell the last time; answered that he thought by the fall Galley's neck was broke, because as soon as he was down he gave himself a turn, and stretched out his hands and legs, and never stirred or spoke afterwards ; that Galley was not falling till Little Harry gave him the push. Said that he did not know the parish of Eogate, or that the place where Galley died was within that parish, any otherwise than that he had been there since, and several people said it was the parish of Kogate.
Mr. Stamford, who was Counsel for the prisoners, moved, that the place where Galley died was not in the county of Sussex, and therefore the prisoners must be acquitted of this indictment; for that the present special commission, by which their lordships were trying the prisoners, was only to enquire into murders and felonies committed in the county of Sussex.
Whereupon the Counsel for the King replied that they would undertake to prove the place in the county of Sussex ; and for that purpose William Steel wras then asked whether the gravelly knap where Galley died was in the county of Southampton or in the county of Sussex ; answered that he could not tell. That he had never heard, as he remembered, what county that place was in, but he was carried thither last Friday to see the place, and he shewed to some people then present the spot of ground where Galley fell off the horse and died,
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