Smuggling & Smugglers in Sussex - online book

An Account of a notorious Smuggling gang in the early 18th Century

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persons in respect of whom this injunction was particularly given, but it may very fairly be extended likewise, under due restrictions, to all that are com­missioned under it and have any share of the authority delegated to them.
Such then is the doctrine of the Christian religion, as taught by the Great Author and Founder of it, Jesus Christ Himself. And His apostles, who followed Him in the uniform practice of all those virtues by which societies subsist, have both by their precept and example taught us the same thing. St. Paul in his epistle to the Romans, speaking of a Christian's duty to the civil magistrate, commands that " every soul be subject to the higher powers"; and deduces our obligation to this duty from these two considerations: first, that it is the will of God—for "there is no power", he tells us, " but of God ". The powers in being are ordained of Him: it must therefore, as he then concludes, be the indispensable duty of all subjects to obey ; because if they resist, they " resist the ordinance of God ". The other consideration is taken from the general design of government, which shews it to be our interest, as well as duty, to be obedient subjects; that " he is the minister of God to us for good " ; and that therefore in regard to ourselves we should submit to his authority, " not only from wrath, but also for conscience sake"; as being truly sensible of the advantages of government, that it is the ordinance of God, for the good of mankind. As an explication of this duty of subjection to the higher powers, and to teach us the extent of our obedience to it, St. Peter requires our submission, not only to the supreme magistrate himself, but also to all, in their degree and proportion, who are invested with public authority. "Submit
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