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21st, 1720, William Gouldsmith, the custom-house officer, had his horse shot under him.*
In June, 1733, the officers of the customs at Newhaven attempted to seize ten horses laden with tea, at Cuck-mere; but they were opposed by about thirty men, armed with pistols and blunderbusses, w7ho fired on the officers, took them prisoners, and confined them whilst the goods were carried off.f
In August of the same year, the riding officers observed upwards of twenty smugglers at Greenhay, most of them on horseback, armed with clubs, and their horses laden with tea, which the officers endeavoured to seize, but the smugglers fell upon them, and with clubs knocked one of the officers off his horse, wounded him, and confined him for an hour, whilst the gang carried off the goods.
On December 6, 1735, some officers of New-haven, assisted by dragoons, met with a large gang of smugglers, well armed, who surrounded the officers, and confined them for about an hour and a half. The smugglers were afterwards met by three other officers and six dragoons, whom the smugglers attacked, but the officers got the better, pursued them, and seized five smugglers, armed with pistols, swords, and cutlasses, and twelve horses.
In July, 1735, some of the officers of the port of Arundel watched on the coast, expecting goods to be run out of a smuggling vessel, but being discovered by upwards of twenty smugglers armed with pistols and blunderbusses, the officers were confined till two or three boatloads of goods had been landed and conveyed
* Letter of Francis Briggs, July 26, 1733.—Customs : Rolls House.
f Notorious instances, &c.—Ibid. |