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IN the course of his magnificent description of Suthsex, John Speed (Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, 1611) tells us: " The aire is good, though somewhat clouded with mists, which arise forth of her South bordering Sea, who is very prodigall unto her for Fish and Sea fowle, though as sparing for Harbours or Ship's ariuage, and those which shee hath, as vncertaine for continuance as dangerous for entrance.
" Rich is the Soile and yeeldeth great plenty of all things necessary, but very ill for travellers, especially in the winter, the land lying low and the wayes very deep, whose middle tract is garnished with meadows, pastures and cornfields: the sea coast with Hilles which are called the Downes abundantly yeelding both graine and grasse, and the North side overshadowed with pleasant Groves and thicke Woods where sometimes stood the famous wood Andradswald, con- |