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sloe, hazel, buckthorn, wayfaring tree, elder, holly, and spindle-tree predominate, and are mixed with beech, ash, stunted oak, yew, crab-apple and service-tree. In short, it appears to be a relic of the vegetation of the original margin of the native forest, rendered denser and trimmed to a certain extent, but in other respects not greatly altered." The general appearance of the Weald from the hill is still that of a vast forest, largely of oak with undergrowth of hazel. Edburton has an Early English church of tower, nave, south porch, north transept, and chancel; it is late in the style (c. 1290) for the most part, and has two low side windows, the chancel arch dies into jambs above the caps of the responds. At the west end are corbels to support a gallery. The font is about a century older than the church, and a plain round leaden bowl; foliage scroll-work occupies the two lower bands, in the upper one is wide trefoil arcading, and there is a sort of scallop cornice. The pulpit and altar rails are of Jacobean character, and said to have been given by Archbishop Laud. The village was once visited by O. W. Holmes, who found it a veritable Arcady, its clergyman strongly recalling Goldsmith's picture of " the man to all the country dear " and a village boy seeming like a youthful angel well placed in that quiet retreat. He discovered, however, that the youthful angel was locally known chiefly for his power of hitting out from the shoulder.
Between Edburton and Poynings is the hamlet of Fulking, with several old houses, including a timber-and-plaster cottage whose curved cross-pieces resemble what is commonly found in Cheshire, but is unusual in the South. The tile |