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marshland to-day. Great damage was done to it by storms in the middle of the thirteenth century, and in a fearful tempest of 1287 it was finally washed away. Leland, who made his antiquarian tour through England 1534-1543, gives us the following account of the foundation of the new town {Itinerary, vi. 51-52):—
"The olde Toune of Winchelesey of a vi. or 7. yeres together felle to a very soore and manifest Ruine, be reason of olde Rages of the Se, and totally in the tyme of the aforesayde vi. or 7. yeres.
"In the space of these aforesayde Yeres the People of Winchelesey made sute to Kyng Edward the first for Remedy and a new Plot to set them a Toun on.
" Whereapon the King sent thither John Kirkeby Bishop of Ely and Treasorer of England, and vewid a Plot to make the new Toune of Winchelesey on, the wich was at that tyme a Ground wher Conies partely did resorte. Syr John Tregose a Knight was the chief Owner of it, and one Maurice and Bataille Abbay. The King compoundid with them : and so was there vii. score and tenne Acres limited to the new Toune. . . . Then in the tyme of the Yere aforesayde the King set to his Help in beginning and waulling New Winchelesey: and the Inhabitantes of Olde Winchelesey tooke by a litle and a litle and buildid at the new Towne. . . . But or x x yeres were expired from the beginning of the Building of New Winchelesey it twas twise enterid by Enemies, first by Frenchemen, that did much hurt in the Toune, and secundarily by the Spaniards."
A place which in many ways resembles Win-chelsea, different as are all the details, is Shelburne |