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RYE 393 |
Face of the curled stream, with flow'rs as many As the young Spring gives, and choice as any ; Here be all new delights, cool streams and wells, Arbours o'ergrow with woodbine ; caves and dells ; Chuse where thou wilt, while I sit by and sing, Or gather rushes, to make many a ring For thy long fingers ; tell thee tales of love, How the pale Phcebe, hunting in a grove, First saw the boy Endymion, from whose eyes She took eternal fire that never dies ; How she conveyed him softly, in a sleep His temples hound with poppy, to the steep Head of old Latmos, where she stoops each night, Gilding the mountain with her brother's light, To kiss her sweetest." |
In 1591 the Mayor of Rye complained " now of late a smale secte of purytanes, more holy in shewe than in dede, is sprong up amongst us." The most famous of Rye Puritan preachers was the versatile Samuel Jeake (1623-1690), of Huguenot extraction, for a considerable body of French refugees settled in Rye and for a time had a chapel of their own. He is most favourably known for his splendid work on the charters of the Ports, he was also an attorney and a student of astrology. In Mermaid Street is a rubble building with an astrological inscription which he erected in 1689. His opinion of his fellow-Dissenters was rather a mixed one : " They may be called Babell from the differences that have happened among the master builders ;" " what difference between Lord Bishops and Lordly Presbyters ?" His rector sought to temper his schismatic zeal, but without the very slightest apparent result. "The insolence," wrote his reverence, "of some of ye zealots (I believe animated by you to ye contempt of all good order and |