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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
Andirons. The ornamental irons on each side of the hearth in old fire-places, before grates were introduced. The andirons were sometimes made of superior metal, or gilt, and of very large dimensions.
"Her andirons (I had forgot them) were two winking cupids of silver." —Cynibeline, Act ii. sc. 4.
Anewst.* [Neawest, Ang. Sax.] Nigh; almost; near at hand.
Anigh. Nigh; near.
An. Of. "If you wants to be rid an him, you lend him a sixpence; I lay he'll never come anigh you no more."
Anywhen. At any time.
Appleterre." [Apple and terre, French.] An orchard.
Applety, e. [Apple, and tye an enclosure.] An apple-loft, where the fruit is kept.
This word is used on the borders of Kent, in which county the word tye means an enclosure, whereas in Sussex it means an open common.
Arder. An adder. In Sussex the letters a and e are often pronounced as in French.
The country people say that an adder can never die till sunset. If it be cut to pieces, the bits will retain their vitality till the sun goes down. They also say that on the adder's belly will be found the words,—
" If I could hear as well as see, No man in life could master me."
Arg, m. To argue; to wrangle.
" These chapelfolks always wants to arg."
Argify, m. To signify; to import.
"I do'ant know as it argifies much whether I goos to-day or whether I goos to-morrow."
Arter. [Corruption of After.]
Ashen. Made of the wood of the ash.
Aslew, m. Aslant.
Atween. Between. Also used in the Eastern Counties.
Atwixt. Betwixt.
Awhile. For a time.
" We shan't have no gurt frostes yet awhile—not atwixt now and Christmas, very like," |