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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. 21 |
In former times putting up boughs upon anything was an indication that it was to be sold, and a bush at the end of a pole was the badge of a country ale house; which gave rise to the proverb, "Good wine needs no bush," i.e., nothing to point out where it is sold.
Boulder-head. A work against the sea, made up of small wooden stakes.
Bout. A day's work.
"I shan't do it this bout," means, I shall not finish to-day.
Bozzler, m. A parish constable; a sheriffs officer.
Brabagious, e. An adjective of reproach, the exact meaning of which is difficult to define; but it is generally considered available for use in a quarrelsome discussion between females. "You nasty brabagious creature."
It seems to combine the advantages of Mrs. Gamp's two principal epithets, bragian and bage.
Brake. The common fern. Pteris aquilina.
" I'll run from thee and hide me in the brakes."
—Mid. Night's Dream, Act ii. sc. 2. Brake. A kneading trough.
Brands, or Brandirons. Irons used for supporting the brands for burning wood in a wood fire.
Brave, m. [Brave, French.] Well in health.
"How are you, John?" "I'm bravely, thank you."
Brave, m. Prosperous.
"I have been making out bravely since you were last here."
Breachy. Brackish, applied to water.
Breachy. [Breche, French, a breach.] A word applied to cattle which are wild and liable to break through the fences.
Bread-and-Butters, m. [Compare, Buiter-brod, German.] Pronounced brenbutters; slices of bread buttered; used in the same way as the French word tartine.
Bread-and-Cheese-Friend, e. A true friend as distinguished from a cupboard-lover.
"He's a regular brencheese friend he is, not like a good many, always after what they can get."
Bricks, m. The paved walk in front of a cottage, or paved path in a garden.
"I'm always pleased to see him a-coming up my bricks." |