A Dictionary Of The Sussex Dialect - online book

A Collection Of Provincialisms In Use In The County Of Sussex.

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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect.
made the following entry in his diary:—"1756, April 28th. I went down to Jones', where we drank one bowl of punch and two muggs of bumboo, and I came home again in liquor. Oh! with what horrors does it fill my heart to think I should be guilty of doing so, and on a Sunday too! Let me once more endeavour, never, no never, to be guilty of the same again."
Bunch, m. A swelling.
" It came out in bunches all over me."
Bunger, m. To do anything awkwardly.
Bunny, w. A wooden or brick drain laid under a road or gateway to carry off the water; also called a cocker.
Bunt, e. To rock a cradle with the foot; to push or butt.
A bunt is described to me as a push with a knock in it, or a knock with a push in it.
" I'll give you a middlin' bunt prensley if you doant keep still."
Bunter, m. An old-fashioned machine for cleaning corn.
Burgh, m. [Burg, Ang. Sax.] A rising ground; a hillock. The term is frequently applied to the barrows or tumuli on the Downs.
Burnish, *. To grow fat. The expression, "You burnish nicely," meaning, "You look well," is frequently used in East Sussex, and is meant as a compliment.
Butter-my-wig, m. A strong asseveration. " No I wunt; butter my wig if I will!"
By-the-bye, e. By chance.
"He come along one day by-the-bye, or else he hasn't been a-nigh me for the last ten years."
Bythen. By the time that.
"Bythen you've come back 'twill be coager-time."
Byste, m. A couch made up of two chairs for a child to sleep upon in the day-time.
Byste, m. To lie down in the day-time.
"I was quite took to (ashamed) to think you should have come in the other day and found me bysted, but I was quite entirely eat up with the rheumatics, and couldn't get about no hows."
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