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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
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Flappers, e. Pieces of wood which the fishermen strap over their boots when they walk on the shingle. (See Backsters.)
Flappers. Young wild ducks which have just taken to the wing but are unable to fly.
Flap Jack. A sort of tart made of apples baked without a pan, in a thin piece of paste; also called apple turnover.
Flasket, w. [Fflasget, Welsh, a shallow basket.] A clothes basket; a shallow washing tub.
Flat, m. A hollow in a field.
" The water lays so in these flats."
Flaw, m. To strip bark; to flay.
" He's got a job of tan-flawing."
Fleck, m. Flick, or Flox. [Flys, Ang. Sax., fleece; down.] The fur of hares or rabbits.
"A pillowbedde Stuffed with fflox." —Inventory, 1549. "Old Mus Crackshott left two robbuts down at our house when he come to fetch his rent o' Saddaday. Purty much knocked about they was—so my mistus she put 'em into a pudden for Sunday, but when we come to set down to dinner they'd biled theirselves all away, and all the robbut as we could find was fower ounces of duck shot and some liddle bits of fleck for flavouring! and I says to my mistus, I says, 'If these be Mus Crackshott's robbuts I'd as lief have bren-cheese.'"
Fleed. [FUche, French.] The inside fat of a hog before it is melted into lard.
Fleed-cakes. Cakes made with fresh fleed: an indispensable adjunct to the family festival of pig-killing.
Fleet, e. To be set afloat.
A vessel is said to fleet when the tide flows sufficiently to enable her to move.
Flight. To go to flight is to shoot wild ducks or plover at twilight. " There was three of our chaps went out t'otherday evening purty nigh up as fur as Laughton to flight; but all as ever they brought home along wid 'em was Master Pelts, the shoemaker, as had gone up on the quiet two hours afore, and laid hisself up along wid a gurt bottle of whiskey; and when they got up to the brooks there he was a layin' on his back and a hollerin' of hisself hoarse, and shootin' up in the air at the rooks a-going over to Furrel, till they was forced to take his gun away from him and carry him home."
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