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56 . A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect.
Hemmel, e. A fold. Connected with the Icelandic word hemja,
to restrain. Henrip, w. A hen-coop.
Here-and-there-one. An expression used to signify an average, or on an average, as " He aint much of a boy I know, but he's quite as good a boy as you'll find here-and-there-one."
Hide. [Hyd, Ang. Sax.] A hide of land is about 120 acres. In Saxon times it meant as much land as could be tilled with one plough ; a family possession.
Higgler, m. A huckster; so called from higgling over his bargains.
Hike, m. To call roughly.
" He hiked me out of the pew."
Hill, m. The Southdown country is always spoken of as " The hill" by the people in the Weald. " He's gone to the hill, harvesting."
Hill-up, m. [Helan, Ang. Sax., to cover.] To hill-up hops is to raise small hills or heaps over the roots for the purpose of keeping them dry in the winter.
Hisn, m. His own.
The possessive pronoun is thus conjugated in Sussex,—
Mine, thine, hisn or hern. Ourn, yourn, theirn. Hither, m. Near.
"He's in the hither croft."
Hobble, m. A doubt; an uncertainty.
Hob-lamb, m. A pet lamb, brought up by hand.
Hob-up. To bring up anything by hand.
A parishioner of mine once came to complain to me that her husband had threatened to ill-use her on account of two little pigs which she was hobbing-up; but as I found that his objection rested on the fact that she was hobbing-up the pigs so carefully that she insisted on taking them to bed with her, I declined to interfere.
Hocklands. [Hoh, Ang. Sax., a heel.] Hock-shaped pieces of meadow land. —Leo's Ang. Sax. Names.
Hock-monday, w. The second Monday after Easter, kept as a festival in remembrance of the defeat of the Danes in King Ethelred's time. |