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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. 61
Hung-up, m. Hindered.
"I was so hung up for time all last week I couldn't come."
Hurley-bulloo, m. A disturbance.
Hurr, m. Tart; rough-tasting.
"The doctor's ordered me to drink some of this here claret wine, but I shall never get to like it, it seems so hurr."
Hurst, m. [Hurst, Ang. Sax.] A wood.
Hurts, w. Whortle berries.
Huss, m. To hiss; to buzz; said of insects.
"The old owl I fancy did huss and spet when I went to take the eggs! and just did scratch a gurt plaace in my harnd wud he's old to-a-nails, too."
Huss, e. To caress.
The children play a game, which is accompanied by a song beginning,—
"Hussing and bussing will not do, But go to the gate, knock and ring,— Please, Mrs. Brown, is Nellie within ? "
Husser-and-Squencher, e. A pot of beer with a dram of gin in it. (See Squench.)
Hypocrite, e. A lame person.
This word may be possibly connected with, or a corruption of the old word hippand, meaning limping or hopping.
"Yes, she's a poor afflicted creature; she's quite a hypocrite ; she can't walk a step without her stilts." |
Ice-Bone. The edge-bone of beef.
Ichon'em. Each one of them.
Idget, w. A horse hoe; called also a nidget or edget.
Ill-conditioned, m. Ill-tempered.
" He's the most ill-conditioned impersome young chap I know; a proper out-and-outener."
Ill-convenient, m. Inconvenient.
Impersome, e. Impertinent.
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