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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
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Nestle. To be restless.
Nestle-about, m. To work about a little in and out of the house.
"I aint done naun but just nestle about house for the last three weeks, and I be quite nett-up this weather."
Nettle-spring. The nettle-rash.
Nett-up. Exhausted with cold.
News. To tell anything as news. "It was newsed about."
Nexdy. [Contraction of next day.] The day after to-morrow.
Ni, w. [Nid, French, a nest; spelt ni in old French.] A brood of pheasants.
Nidget, e. A little bug.
Nidget. A horse-hoe used for cleaning the ground between rows of hops, called in some parts of East Sussex an idget.
Niff. To quarrel; to be offended.
Nip, e. A stingy fellow; a close and sharp bargainer; just honest and no more.
Nipper, m. A common nickname for the youngest member of the family, or for one who is unusually small for his age.
Nod. The back of the neck.
"It catched me right across the nod of my neck."
Nogging. Courses of bricks worked in between a frame of wood work in a building.
Nohows, m. In no way. Often expanded into "no-hows-de-wurreld," for no how in the world.
Nonce, w. Purpose; intent; design.
" I have cases of buckram for the nonce, to immask our noted outward garments." —I Henry IV., Act i. sc. 2.
Non-plush. [Non-plus.] Completely bewildered.
No-one-wheres. Superlative form of nowhere.
"I shouldn't have been no ways consarned about it, naunbut my mistus she took on so; she was quite non-plushed she was, for she couldn't find that young nipper no-one-wheres."
No-ought, m. "You had no-ought" is the same "as you ought not." |