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A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect. |
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Sheer. [Scir, Ang. Sax., clear, white.] Smooth and shiny, as flesh which is swollen.
Sheeres. The true Sussex man divides the world into two parts. Kent and Sussex forms one division, and all the rest is "The Sheeres." I have heard China and Australia both described as in the sheeres; but I confess that I was somewhat startled at being told that I was myself " a man as was well acquaint with the sheeres, and had got friends in all parts of this world and the world to come." This statement was meant as a compliment, but when I came to consider it afterwards, I was not sure that it was altogether complimentary to some of my friends.
Sheere-man. A man who comes from the shires (and not necessarily sure of a favourable reception in Sussex).
Sheere-mouse. A field mouse. A shrew-mouse.
The country people have an idea that the harvest-mouse is unable to cross a path which has been trod by man. Whenever it attempts to do so it is said to be immediately struck dead. This accounts (they say) for the numbers which on a summer's evening may be found lying dead on the edge of the field footpaths without any wound or apparent cause of death.
Sheere-mouse. An epithet of derision applicable to a sheere-man. The phrase "the sheeres" is found in many other parts of England, and is generally expressive of a certain degree of depreciation. In Shropshire the manufacturing districts are spoken of as "down in the shires."
Sheere-way, e. A bridle-way.
Shell-fire. Phosphorescent light from decaying matter; called also fairy sparks.
Shelve, e. To throw manure out of a cart by raising the forepart so that the bottom may shelve or slope.
Shim. [Schim, Dutch, a shade or ghost.] A glimpse of anything.
"I thought I saw a shim of the carpenter going by the gate just now, but I'm not sure."
Shim, e. A narrow strip or glimpse of white on a horse's face.
Shim. A horse hoe for cleaning the ground between rows of beans or hops.
Shimper. [Scimian, Ang. Sax., to shine or shimmer.] To shine brightly.