A Dictionary Of The Sussex Dialect - online book

A Collection Of Provincialisms In Use In The County Of Sussex.

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104                     A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect.
Shingles. Small wooden tiles made of split oak, used for roofs, steeples, &c.
There are several church spires in Sussex covered with these shingles.
Ship, m. Sheep.
Seldom used in the singular.
Shirty. Easily offended. A man who has quickly lost his temper is said to have got his shirt out.
Shod. [Perfect of Shed.] Spilt. This word is correct, the Anglo-Saxon past tense being sceod.
"I sent him up to fetch a little beer, but he shod half of it bringing of it home."
Shoes and Stockings, m. A wild flower of the cypripedium genus (Holloway) called in East Sussex " pattens and clogs," or " butter and eggs."
Shog. The core of an apple.
Shoke, m. The original form of shook.
"He shoke his fistes in my face, he did!" Shooked, e. Shook.
" I shooked in my shoes to hear what words he used."
Shooler, e. An idle, lazy fellow; described as "a man who goes about with his boots undone."
Shoot, w. A young growing pig. (See Sheat.)
Shoot. A gutter round a roof for shooting off the water.
Shore, m. To shelve off; to cut off evenly.
"If the road was better shored at the sides the water wouldn't lay so much as what it does."
Shore. [Schoren, Dutch, to prop up.] A prop, a support.
Shorn-bug, m. [Scearn,Ang. Sax., dung; scearn-wibba, a shorn -bug.] A beetle. To eat shorn-bugs for dinner is a pro­verbial expression for the extremity of poverty.
Short, m. Out of temper; unable to give a civil answer.
Short, m. Tender.
A rat-catcher once told me that he knew many people who were in the habit of eating barn-fed rats, and he added, "When they're in a pudding you could not tell them from a chick, they eat so short and purty."
Shove, e. To put the loose corn into cops or heaps, that it may be more conveniently taken up.
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