A Dictionary Of The Sussex Dialect - online book

A Collection Of Provincialisms In Use In The County Of Sussex.

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106                     A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect.
Sizzing. Yeast or barm. It is probable that this word may have its origin in the sound made by beer or ale in working.
Skeeling.* The bay of a barn; the side of a garret or upper room, where the slope of the roof interferes with the upright."
Skep. [Scep, Ang. Sax., a basket.] A beehive, or the straw hackle placed over it for protection.
Skep, e. A hat; a broad flat basket.
Skice. To run quickly and slily, so as to avoid detection.
"I just saw the top of his skep as he skiced along under the hedge." Skid. To check a wheel going down hill. Skid-pan. The iron used for skidding.
Skim-coulter. That part of a plough which goes in front to take off the turf.
Skinny, w. Mean; inhospitable.
Skip, e. A small wooden or metal vessel for taking up yeast.
Skirmish, m. To run about in a mischievous manner.
"It's no use to try and keep a garden tidy as long as the children are a skirmishing about over the flower borders."
Skitterwaisen, w. From corner to corner. (Probably a corruption of Caterwise.)
Skivel, w. A skewer. In the west, dogwood, of which skewers are made, is called skiver-wood.
Skreel, e. To scream.
Skrow. Surly; ill-tempered.
Slab, m. A rough board; the outside cut of a tree which has been sawn up in planks.
Slabby, m. Dirty; wet and slippery; greasy; sticky.
"Make the gruel thick and slab."
Macbeth, Act iv. sc. I. Slack, m. Loose conversation.
Slam. To do any work in a slovenly manner.
Slap, m. In good condition ; hearty.
"I don't feel very slap this morning."
Slappel.* A portion; a large rough piece of anything.
Slat, m. A slate.
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