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108 A Dictionary of the Sussex Dialect.
Snag. The common snail. With respect to this word, which I had been inclined to derive from the Anglo-Saxon snag-el, Mr. Skeat informs me that it is the old original word of which snag-el is the diminutive; hence snag is not derived from snag-el, but vice versa. The children say,—
"Snag, snag, put out your horn, And I will give you a barley corn."
Snap-plough, w. A plough with two wings, so fixed as to snap or move from one side to the other, though only one projects at a time.
Snethe, m; or Snead, w. [Snad, Ang. Sax.] The long handle of a scythe.
Snicker, m. [Snikken, Dutch, to gasp.] To sneer; to laugh inwardly.
Sniggler, m. A slight frost.
Snob, m. [Connected with Icel., sndpr, a fool and knave.] A travelling shoemaker; a cobbler.
In the neighbourhood of Burwash it is considered a most unfavourable description of a stranger to say that he is "a broken down snob from Kent."
Snoule, e. A small quantity of anything. Used in Norfolk for a short thick cut from the crusty part of a loaf or a cheese.
Snudge, m. To hold down the head; to walk with a stoop looking on the ground as if in deep thought.
Snuffy, m. Angry. A common nickname for a testy person. "Old snuffy came snudging along here just now, and wanted to borrow a few Brussels sprouts, but I lent him a brockylo once and never got it back again, so I warn't a-going to be took in a second time."
Sock, m. A blow.
"I'll give that old sow-cat o' yourn a sock aside the head if I catches her in my house agin!"
Sock-lamb, m. A lamb brought up by hand.
Sockish, m. (Probably a variation of Suckish.) Requiring to be petted and nursed; said of a child.
Sockle, m. To suckle.
Sodger, m. A red herring; literally a soldier.
The sirloin of a jackass, stuffed with sodgers, is a Sussex man's definition of coarse, uninviting food. |